Person-to-Person Consultation

Each year EPA offers members an opportunity for a person-to-person evaluation of their publication during the annual convention.

  • Editorial & Design Consultation ($150)
  • Editorial Only Consultation ($100)
  • Design Only Consultation ($100)
  • Website/Digitial Consultation ($100)
  • Freelancer ($50)

To reserve a person-to-person consultation, follow these steps:

  1. Indicate your interest through an email to the Executive Director. Or you can choose the Person-to-Person Evaluation option during your convention registration process.
  2. Participate in supporting the EPA Scholarship Fund by making the applicable contribution (select “person-to-person” in the payment description) for the evaluation. If you sign up during the convention registration process, your payment will be included with your convention registration fees.
  3. An editor will be assigned as a reviewer and his/her name, address and email will be returned to you.
  4. Mail three different copies of your publication (or email URL links) to your reviewer. Freelancers will email three articles.
  5. Confirm, with your reviewer, a time to meet during the upcoming EPA convention to talk through the evaluation, person-to-person.

Evaluations must be reserved no later than 20 days prior to the start of the convention.